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Linux的初始内核解压  2007-09-19 16:14


  2)inflate.c是从gzip源程序中分离出来的,包含了一些对全局数据的直接引用,在使用时需要直接嵌入到代码中.gzip压缩文件时总是在前32K字节的范围内寻找重复的字符串进行编码,在解压时需要一个至少为32K字节的解压缓冲区,它定义为window[WSIZE].inflate.c使用get_byte()读取输入文件,它被定义成宏来提高效率.输入缓冲区指针必须定义为inptr, inflate.c中对之有减量操作.inflate.c调用flush_window()来输出window缓冲区中的解压出的字节串,每次输出长度用outcnt变量表示.在flush_window()中,还必须对输出字节串计算CRC并且刷新crc变量.在调用gunzip()开始解压之前,调用makecrc()初始化CRC计算表.最后gunzip()返回0表示解压成功.




  ; drivers/block/rd.c



  * gzip declarations


  #define OF(args) args ; 用于函数原型声明的宏

  #ifndef memzero

  #define memzero(s, n) memset ((s), 0, (n))


  typedef unsigned char uch;定义inflate.c所使用的3种数据类型

  typedef unsigned short ush;

  typedef unsigned long ulg;

  #define INBUFSIZ 4096用户输入缓冲区尺寸

  #define WSIZE 0x8000 /* window size--must be a power of two, and */

  /* at least 32K for zip's deflate method */

  static uch *inbuf;用户输入缓冲区,与inflate.c无关

  static uch *window;解压窗口

  static unsigned insize; /* valid bytes in inbuf */

  static unsigned inptr; /* index of next byte to be processed in inbuf */

  static unsigned outcnt; /* bytes in output buffer */

  static int exit_code;

  static long bytes_out;总解压输出长度,与inflate.c无关

  static struct file *crd_infp, *crd_outfp;

  #define get_byte() (inptr

  /* Diagnostic functions (stubbed out) */一些调试宏

  #define Assert(cond,msg)

  #define Trace(x)

  #define Tracev(x)

  #define Tracevv(x)

  #define Tracec(c,x)

  #define Tracecv(c,x)

  #define STATIC static

  static int fill_inbuf(void);

  static void flush_window(void);

  static void *malloc(int size);

  static void free(void *where);

  static void error(char *m);

  static void gzip_mark(void **);

  static void gzip_release(void **);

  #include "../../lib/inflate.c"

  static void __init *malloc(int size)


  return kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);


  static void __init free(void *where)




  static void __init gzip_mark(void **ptr)




  static void __init gzip_release(void **ptr)




  /* ===========================================================================

  * Fill the input buffer. This is called only when the buffer is empty

  * and at least one byte is really needed.


  static int __init fill_inbuf(void)填充输入缓冲区


  if (exit_code) return -1;

  insize = crd_infp->f_op->read(crd_infp, inbuf, INBUFSIZ,

  if (insize == 0) return -1;

  inptr = 1;

  return inbuf[0];


  /* ===========================================================================

  * Write the output window window[0..outcnt-1] and update crc and bytes_out.

  * (Used for the decompressed data only.)


  static void __init flush_window(void)输出window缓冲区中outcnt个字节串


  ulg c = crc; /* temporary variable */

  unsigned n;

  uch *in, ch;

  crd_outfp->f_op->write(crd_outfp, window, outcnt,

  in = window;

  for (n = 0; n ch = *in++;

  c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);计算输出串的CRC


  crc = c;

  bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;刷新总字节数

  outcnt = 0;


  static void __init error(char *x)解压出错调用的函数


  printk(KERN_ERR "%s", x);

  exit_code = 1;


  static int __init

  crd_load(struct file * fp, struct file *outfp)


  int result;

  insize = 0; /* valid bytes in inbuf */

  inptr = 0; /* index of next byte to be processed in inbuf */

  outcnt = 0; /* bytes in output buffer */

  exit_code = 0;

  bytes_out = 0;

  crc = (ulg)0xffffffffL; /* shift register contents */

  crd_infp = fp;

  crd_outfp = outfp;

  inbuf = kmalloc(INBUFSIZ, GFP_KERNEL);

  if (inbuf == 0) {

  printk(KERN_ERR "RAMDISK: Couldn't allocate gzip buffer\n");

  return -1;


  window = kmalloc(WSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);

  if (window == 0) {

  printk(KERN_ERR "RAMDISK: Couldn't allocate gzip window\n");


  return -1;



  result = gunzip();



  return result;


  #endif /* BUILD_CRAMDISK */



  ; arch/i386/boot/compressed/head.S


  #include ·


  .globl startup_32对于zImage该入口地址为0x1000;对于bzImage为0x101000




  movl $(__KERNEL_DS),%eax

  movl %eax,%ds

  movl %eax,%es

  movl %eax,%fs

  movl %eax,%gs

  lss SYMBOL_NAME(stack_start),%esp # 自解压代码的堆栈为misc.c中定义的16K字节的数组

  xorl %eax,%eax

  1: incl %eax # check that A20 really IS enabled

  movl %eax,0x000000 # loop forever if it isn't

  cmpl %eax,0x100000

  je 1b


  * Initialize eflags. Some BIOS's leave bits like NT set. This would

  * confuse the debugger if this code is traced.

  * XXX - best to initialize before switching to protected mode.


  pushl $0



  * Clear BSS清除解压程序的BSS段


  xorl %eax,%eax

  movl $ SYMBOL_NAME(_edata),%edi

  movl $ SYMBOL_NAME(_end),%ecx

  subl %edi,%ecx





  * Do the decompression, and jump to the new kernel..


  subl $16,%esp # place for structure on the stack

  movl %esp,%eax

  pushl %esi # real mode pointer as second arg

  pushl %eax # address of structure as first arg

  call SYMBOL_NAME(decompress_kernel)

  orl %eax,%eax # 如果返回非零,则表示为内核解压为低端和高端的两个片断

  jnz 3f

  popl %esi # discard address

  popl %esi # real mode pointer

  xorl %ebx,%ebx

  ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x100000 # 运行start_kernel


  * We come here, if we were loaded high.

  * We need to move the move-in-place routine down to 0x1000

  * and then start it with the buffer addresses in registers,

  * which we got from the stack.



  movl $move_routine_start,%esi

  movl $0x1000,%edi

  movl $move_routine_end,%ecx

  subl %esi,%ecx

  addl $3,%ecx

  shrl $2,%ecx # 按字取整



  movsl # 将内核片断合并代码复制到0x1000区域,内核的片段起始为0x2000

  popl %esi # discard the address

  popl %ebx # real mode pointer

  popl %esi # low_buffer_start内核低端片段的起始地址

  popl %ecx # lcount内核低端片段的字节数量

  popl %edx # high_buffer_start内核高端片段的起始地址

  popl %eax # hcount内核高端片段的字节数量

  movl $0x100000,%edi内核合并的起始地址

  cli # make sure we don't get interrupted

  ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x1000 # and jump to the move routine


  * Routine (template) for moving the decompressed kernel in place,

  * if we were high loaded. This _must_ PIC-code !



  movl %ecx,%ebp

  shrl $2,%ecx


  movsl # 按字拷贝第1个片段

  movl %ebp,%ecx

  andl $3,%ecx


  movsb # 传送不完全字

  movl %edx,%esi

  movl %eax,%ecx # NOTE: rep movsb won't move if %ecx == 0

  addl $3,%ecx

  shrl $2,%ecx # 按字对齐


  movsl # 按字拷贝第2个片段

  movl %ebx,%esi # Restore setup pointer

  xorl %ebx,%ebx

  ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x100000 # 运行start_kernel


  ; arch/i386/boot/compressed/misc.c


  * gzip declarations


  #define OF(args) args

  #define STATIC static

  #undef memset

  #undef memcpy

  #define memzero(s, n) memset ((s), 0, (n))

  ypedef unsigned char uch;

  typedef unsigned short ush;

  typedef unsigned long ulg;

  #define WSIZE 0x8000 /* Window size must be at least 32k, */

  /* and a power of two */

  static uch *inbuf; /* input buffer */

  static uch window[WSIZE]; /* Sliding window buffer */

  static unsigned insize = 0; /* valid bytes in inbuf */

  static unsigned inptr = 0; /* index of next byte to be processed in inbuf */

  static unsigned outcnt = 0; /* bytes in output buffer */

  /* gzip flag byte */

  #define ASCII_FLAG 0x01 /* bit 0 set: file probably ASCII text */

  #define CONTINUATION 0x02 /* bit 1 set: continuation of multi-part gzip file */

  #define EXTRA_FIELD 0x04 /* bit 2 set: extra field present */

  #define ORIG_NAME 0x08 /* bit 3 set: original file name present */

  #define COMMENT 0x10 /* bit 4 set: file comment present */

  #define ENCRYPTED 0x20 /* bit 5 set: file is encrypted */

  #define RESERVED 0xC0 /* bit 6,7: reserved */

  #define get_byte() (inptr

  /* Diagnostic functions */

  #ifdef DEBUG

  # define Assert(cond,msg) {if(!(cond)) error(msg);}

  # define Trace(x) fprintf x

  # define Tracev(x) {if (verbose) fprintf x ;}

  # define Tracevv(x) {if (verbose>1) fprintf x ;}

  # define Tracec(c,x) {if (verbose (c)) fprintf x ;}

  # define Tracecv(c,x) {if (verbose>1 (c)) fprintf x ;}


  # define Assert(cond,msg)

  # define Trace(x)

  # define Tracev(x)

  # define Tracevv(x)

  # define Tracec(c,x)

  # define Tracecv(c,x)


  static int fill_inbuf(void);

  static void flush_window(void);

  static void error(char *m);

  static void gzip_mark(void **);

  static void gzip_release(void **);


  * This is set up by the setup-routine at boot-time


  static unsigned char *real_mode; /* Pointer to real-mode data */

  #define EXT_MEM_K (*(unsigned short *)(real_mode + 0x2))


  #define ALT_MEM_K (*(unsigned long *)(real_mode + 0x1e0))


  #define SCREEN_INFO (*(struct screen_info *)(real_mode+0))

  extern char input_data[];

  extern int input_len;

  static long bytes_out = 0;

  static uch *output_data;

  static unsigned long output_ptr = 0;

  static void *malloc(int size);

  static void free(void *where);

  static void error(char *m);

  static void gzip_mark(void **);

  static void gzip_release(void **);

  static void puts(const char *);

  extern int end;

  static long free_mem_ptr = (long)

  static long free_mem_end_ptr;

  #define INPLACE_MOVE_ROUTINE 0x1000内核片段合并代码的运行地址

  #define LOW_BUFFER_START 0x2000内核低端解压片段的起始地址

  #define LOW_BUFFER_MAX 0x90000内核低端解压片段的终止地址

  #define HEAP_SIZE 0x3000为解压低码保留的堆的尺寸,堆起始于BSS的结束

  static unsigned int low_buffer_end, low_buffer_size;

  static int high_loaded =0;

  static uch *high_buffer_start /* = (uch *)(((ulg) + HEAP_SIZE)*/;

  static char *vidmem = (char *)0xb8000;

  static int vidport;

  static int lines, cols;

  #include "../../../../lib/inflate.c"

  static void *malloc(int size)


  void *p;

  if (size if (free_mem_ptr

  free_mem_ptr = (free_mem_ptr + 3) ~3; /* Align */

  p = (void *)free_mem_ptr;

  free_mem_ptr += size;

  if (free_mem_ptr >= free_mem_end_ptr)

  error("\nOut of memory\n");

  return p;


  static void free(void *where)

  { /* Don't care */


  static void gzip_mark(void **ptr)


  *ptr = (void *) free_mem_ptr;


  static void gzip_release(void **ptr)


  free_mem_ptr = (long) *ptr;


  static void scroll(void)


  int i;

  memcpy ( vidmem, vidmem + cols * 2, ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2 );

  for ( i = ( lines - 1 ) * cols * 2; i vidmem[ i ] = ' ';


  static void puts(const char *s)


  int x,y,pos;

  char c;

  x = SCREEN_INFO.orig_x;

  y = SCREEN_INFO.orig_y;

  while ( ( c = *s++ ) != '\0' ) {

  if ( c == '\n' ) {

  x = 0;

  if ( ++y >= lines ) {




  } else {

  vidmem [ ( x + cols * y ) * 2 ] = c;

  if ( ++x >= cols ) {

  x = 0;

  if ( ++y >= lines ) {







  SCREEN_INFO.orig_x = x;

  SCREEN_INFO.orig_y = y;

  pos = (x + cols * y) * 2; /* Update cursor position */

  outb_p(14, vidport);

  outb_p(0xff (pos >> 9), vidport+1);

  outb_p(15, vidport);

  outb_p(0xff (pos >> 1), vidport+1);


  void* memset(void* s, int c, size_t n)


  int i;

  char *ss = (char*)s;

  for (i=0;i return s;


  void* memcpy(void* __dest, __const void* __src,

  size_t __n)


  int i;

  char *d = (char *)__dest, *s = (char *)__src;

  for (i=0;i return __dest;


  /* ===========================================================================

  * Fill the input buffer. This is called only when the buffer is empty

  * and at least one byte is really needed.


  static int fill_inbuf(void)


  if (insize != 0) {

  error("ran out of input data\n");


  inbuf = input_data;

  insize = input_len;

  inptr = 1;

  return inbuf[0];


  /* ===========================================================================

  * Write the output window window[0..outcnt-1] and update crc and bytes_out.

  * (Used for the decompressed data only.)


  static void flush_window_low(void)


  ulg c = crc; /* temporary variable */

  unsigned n;

  uch *in, *out, ch;

  in = window;

  out =

  for (n = 0; n ch = *out++ = *in++;

  c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);


  crc = c;

  bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;

  output_ptr += (ulg)outcnt;

  outcnt = 0;


  static void flush_window_high(void)


  ulg c = crc; /* temporary variable */

  unsigned n;

  uch *in, ch;

  in = window;

  for (n = 0; n ch = *output_data++ = *in++;

  if ((ulg)output_data == low_buffer_end) output_data=high_buffer_start;

  c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ ch) 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);


  crc = c;

  bytes_out += (ulg)outcnt;

  outcnt = 0;


  static void flush_window(void)


  if (high_loaded) flush_window_high();

  else flush_window_low();


  static void error(char *x)




  puts("\n\n -- System halted");

  while(1); /* Halt */


  #define STACK_SIZE (4096)

  long user_stack [STACK_SIZE];

  struct {

  long * a;

  short b;

  } stack_start = { user_stack [STACK_SIZE] , __KERNEL_DS };

  void setup_normal_output_buffer(void)对于zImage,直接解压到1M



  if (EXT_MEM_K #else

  if ((ALT_MEM_K > EXT_MEM_K ? ALT_MEM_K : EXT_MEM_K) #endif

  output_data = (char *)0x100000; /* Points to 1M */

  free_mem_end_ptr = (long)real_mode;


  struct moveparams {

  uch *low_buffer_start; int lcount;

  uch *high_buffer_start; int hcount;


  void setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(struct moveparams *mv)


  high_buffer_start = (uch *)(((ulg) + HEAP_SIZE);内核高端片段的最小起始地址


  if (EXT_MEM_K #else

  if ((ALT_MEM_K > EXT_MEM_K ? ALT_MEM_K : EXT_MEM_K) #endif

  mv->low_buffer_start = output_data = (char *)LOW_BUFFER_START;

  low_buffer_end = ((unsigned int)real_mode > LOW_BUFFER_MAX

  ? LOW_BUFFER_MAX : (unsigned int)real_mode) ~0xfff;

  low_buffer_size = low_buffer_end - LOW_BUFFER_START;

  high_loaded = 1;

  free_mem_end_ptr = (long)high_buffer_start;

  if ( (0x100000 + low_buffer_size) > ((ulg)high_buffer_start)) {



  high_buffer_start = (uch *)(0x100000 + low_buffer_size);

  mv->hcount = 0; /* say: we need not to move high_buffer */


  else mv->hcount = -1;待定

  mv->high_buffer_start = high_buffer_start;


  void close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(struct moveparams *mv)


  if (bytes_out > low_buffer_size) {

  mv->lcount = low_buffer_size;

  if (mv->hcount)

  mv->hcount = bytes_out - low_buffer_size;求出高端片段的字节数

  } else { 如果解压后内核只有低端的一个片段

  mv->lcount = bytes_out;

  mv->hcount = 0;



  int decompress_kernel(struct moveparams *mv, void *rmode)


  real_mode = rmode;

  if (SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_mode == 7) {

  vidmem = (char *) 0xb0000;

  vidport = 0x3b4;

  } else {

  vidmem = (char *) 0xb8000;

  vidport = 0x3d4;


  lines = SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_lines;

  cols = SCREEN_INFO.orig_video_cols;

  if (free_mem_ptr else setup_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(mv);


  puts("Uncompressing Linux... ");


  puts("Ok, booting the kernel.\n");

  if (high_loaded) close_output_buffer_if_we_run_high(mv);

  return high_loaded;


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