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中国学生连线空间站 宇航员称没看到长城  2007-08-27 14:45

  “中国学生将对话国际空间站” 直播实录


  [东方网]本次直播结束,谢谢观看! [19:26:06]

  [东方网]通联对话共计进行了9分44秒,20位中国学生依次与宇航员进行了对话。学生的20个问题全部顺利提问完毕,美国宇航员也进行了回答。对话取得圆满成功,师生们在现场情不自禁地欢呼! [19:25:41]

  [东方网] 20、What do the stars look like in the space?在空间站看星星是什么样子的?答:The stars do not twinkle as much because there is no atmosphere, polluting. We can see them more clearly.星星不再像地球上看来那样闪烁。因为没有大气层,没有污染,所以显得更清晰。


  [东方网] 19、What do you feel about space walk (EVA)?在太空行走的感觉是什么?答:Cool and beautiful and I really enjoy it.很酷,很美,我很享受太空行走。 [19:23:19]

  [东方网] 18、Which time zone do you use in the space?空间站里使用的哪个时间?答:GMT(格林威治时间) [19:23:09]

  [东方网] 17、What is the longest distance between the ISS and the earth?空间站和地球的最远距离是多远?答:220n/miles [19:22:59]

  [东方网] 16、Does earth look any different from it used to be?我们的地球看起来和以前有什么不同?答:We see lots of fires burning snow but it looks the same to me.我们看到有很多火在燃烧,也看到有云、雪和高山。但对我来说没有什么不同。 [19:22:51]

  [东方网] 15、Have you ever seen some space junk with your own eyes?你在空间站用肉眼看到过太空垃圾吗?答:I saw something nearby spinning around but was not sure what it was.我曾看见附近有东西早不停的旋转。但是很小,不能确定是什么。 [19:22:42]

  [东方网] 14、What if you lost connection with the ground? Is it possible for the spacecraft to go back to the earth automatically?如果和地面失去联系,航天飞机能否自动回到地球?答:It is possible. If you have a very day to escape using the“Soyuz”vehicle to come back to earth.运气不好会有可能与地面失去联系。我们通过使用“Soyuz”vehicle来回到地球。


  [东方网] 13、What if you happen to get sick?如果你们在空间站生病会如何处理?答:Luckily we have Dr. Oleg on board who is very good doctor.幸运的事,我们舱内有医生Dr. Oleg,他是个非常好的医生。 [19:21:43]

  [东方网] 12、How can you keep ISS on its own orbit?你们如何控制空间站在自己的轨道上运行?答:ISS simply falls around the earth.它逐渐下降,越来越靠近地球。


  [东方网] 11、How far does the ISS fly per hour?空间站每小时飞行多远?答:17500 mph or 5 miles/seconds每小时17500英里或每秒钟5英里。 [19:21:23]

  [东方网] 10、Is there any robot on board the ISS?请问空间站里有机器人吗?答:Yes, we have the robotic arm from Canada.是的,我们拥有产于加拿大的机械手。 [19:21:13]

  [东方网] 9、 What does it feel like when you go through the black-out-area?你通过“黑障区”时是怎样的感受?答:It does not feel any different. Just wait a while and you are in contact again.没什么区别。等一会儿你就可以再次取得联系。


  [东方网] 8、 How do you maintain oxygen supply on the ISS?在空间站怎样获得氧气供应?答:We get our oxygen from several places. First from tanks on the progress vehicle. Second, from tanks on the shuttle. Third, we make it through the progress of breaking down the water. Fourth, we burn oxygen candles that creates oxygen.我们从好几个地方获得氧气:第一,从progress vehicle的罐子里获得氧气。第二,是从航天飞机上的罐子里获得氧气。第三,我们通过分解水的过程获得氧气。第四,我们燃烧特制的扬起蜡烛获得氧气。 [19:20:54]

  [东方网] 7、 On the ISS, in which direction will the plants grow?在国际空间站里,植物会像什么方向生长?答:5 days ago I started growing some plant but have not seen them yet. I believe they will grow in the direction of the light.5天前开始种植植物。但是还没有见到它们。我相信它们会随着光的方向生长。


  [东方网] 6、 What does your family think of your work in the space?你的家人怎样看待您空间站工作?答:Its really neat and they are very proud of me and they are happy that I can do this.我们一家人觉得这很酷。他们为我感到自豪。他们为我能够从事这项工作而感到很高兴。 [19:20:33]

  [东方网] 5、 Is it very quiet on the ISS?国际空间站里非常安静吗?答:No, it’s very noisy. All the fans and pumps mane so much that we need to wear ear plugs.没有。空间站很吵。所有的风扇和水泵制造噪音以至于我们需要戴耳机。 [19:20:22]

  [东方网] 4、 How do you handle the waste generated in the space?你们怎样处理空间站产生的垃圾?答:We put the waste in tanks and put those tanks onto the progress vehicle and release the progress vehicle. It burns up on the earth’s atmosphere as progress falls.我们把垃圾放在罐子里,再把这些罐子放在progress vehicle上,把progress vehicle释放到太空中。当它落到地球大气层上时,它会自动燃烧。


  [东方网] 3、 If air leak happens in the ISS, what emergency actions will be taken?如果在空间站发生泄漏,你们会采取怎样的紧急措施?答:If we have an air leak we try to isolate which module is leaking and move closer to the“Soyuz”.如果我们有空气泄漏我们会把泄漏的部分隔绝并且向Soyuz靠的更近。 [19:19:43]

  [东方网] 2、 Do you sweat in the space and how do you handle it?在空间站工作是否会出汗?如果有,如何处理?答:Yes, we do sweat in space. And because there is no gravity we must use towels to wipe off the sweat.是的,在太空我们流汗。因为没有重力所以我们必须用毛巾把汗擦去。

编辑:赵国栋 东方网
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