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微软Vista SP1 Beta泄漏版深度揭秘(组图)  2007-08-13 08:34
  Service Pack for Microsoft Windows (KB936330) 包含了133个不同的补丁,是四个更新当中最大的,该补丁包影响以下Vista组件:

* AxInstallService
* Backup
* BLB Client
* Branding Ultimate Client
* BRCpl Basic/Premium/Pro & BRCpl Basic/Premium/Pro Language Pack
* Capture Wizard
* Client Features
* ClipsInTheLibrary
* CodecPack Basic Encoder/Package
* Desktop Manager
* DFSR Client Edition
* Disk Diagnosis
* Fax Client (for all versions of Vista)
* Foundation
* Group Policy Client Extensions / Client Tools
* Help Core Client
* IIS WebServer AddOn (38 packages are devoted to this component)
* IIS WebServer (another 18 packages for this component)
* Indexing Service
* Media Center / Media Format / Media Player
* MobilePC Basic/Premium/SideShow
* MovieMaker
* MSMQ Client
* NetFx3 OC
* NFS Client
* Offline Files
* Optical Media
* Parental Controls
* Peer-to-Peer AdHoc Meetings / Full
* Photo Basic/Premium
* Previous Versions
* Printing Foundation / Printing Premium Tools / Printing XP Services
* RDC (Remote Desktop Connection)
* RecDisc
* Remote Assistance
* Removable Storage Management
* Secure Startup
* ServicingBaseline (for all versions of Windows)
* Shell Inbox Games / Premium Inbox Games
* Simple TCP
* SNMP Package
* SUA (Subsystem for UNIX Applications)
* System Restore
* TabletPC OC
* Telnet Client / Telnet Server
* Terminal Services Command Line Tools / Misc Redirection / USB Redirector / WM Provider
* Windows Foundation Language Packs
* WMI SNMP Provider
* WMP Network Sharing Service
* MSSSVC Rules (for all versions of Vista)
* Server Help (for all versions of Vista)

  Service Pack for Microsoft Windows (KB937286) 包含28个补丁,主要应用到Windows Help Core Client,另外也影响:

* Windows MobilePC (Basic, Premium, SideShow and Help)
* Windows ServicingBaseline (for all versions of Windows Vista)
* Server Help (for all versions of Windows Vista).

  Hotfix for Microsoft Windows (KB937287) 只包含一个补丁,和Vista的一个图像组件Servicing Stack有关。

  Update for Microsoft Windows (KB938371)包含三个补丁,影响的组件包括:

* OS loader
* Windows Task Scheduler Service
* Windows Update Standalone Installer (WUSA)
* Foundation Package
* Common Log
* Delta Package Expander
* OLE Automation
* All Windows Foundation and WindowsPE Language Packs

  显然Services Pack更针对背景服务而不是前台功能。Bannan对装上SP1的系统进行Windows update看是否还需要其他的Vista更新,结果是不用。也就是说和我们预期的一样,Vista RTM以后的所有补丁都已经被整合到SP1中。

  Vista SP1包:你可以卸载掉SP1的各个补丁包返回到原版Vista。

  另外,别忘了我们之前报道过的Vista性能、兼容性补丁包。由于整合到Service Pack的补丁没有标上KB号,因此无法确定着两个补丁包是否被整合到SP1中。


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