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强大的文字编辑器 EditPlus2.3.1.514  2007-07-13 10:29


  另外它也是一个非常好用的HTML编辑器,它除了支持颜色标记、HTML标记,同时支持C、C++、Perl、Java,另外,它还内建完整的HTML & CSS1指令功能,对于习惯用记事本编辑网页的朋友,它可帮你节省一半以上的网页制作时间,若你有安装IE 3.0以上版本,它还会结合IE浏览器于EditPlus窗口中,让你可以直接预览编辑好的网页(若没安装IE,也可指定浏览器路径)。

Latest Changes:

  * FTP status of 100% could cause program crash

  * Supports horizontal scroll by SHIFT + mouse wheel

  * 'Previous' button instead of Up/Down on the Find dialog box

  * $(AppDir) argument macro added

  * Supports font option for the Document Selector

  * Supports 'Sort' button on the Window List

  * Supports 'Copy Name' button on the Window List

  * Search Document command could omit some words

  * Extending column selection with 'Shift + click' didn't work

  * Some sftp servers could cause program freeze

  * Fixes a screen uPDAte bug with auto completion in word wrap mode

  * 'Subdirectory' FTP setting did not work correctly on VMS servers

  * Improved vista UAC compatibility

  * 'Decrease Indent' command did not work correctly with column selections

  * Native support for tilt wheel on vista

  * 'Create File' did not work on disconnected FTP server

  * Regular expression in Find in Files dialog box could cause program crash

  * Keystroke recording could not handle the Insert key

  * Function Pattern dialog box supports 'Partial display' option

  * Highlighed matching braces could not be restored when changing focus

  * 'Save wrapped lines with CR/LF' option could corrupt file

  * Replace dialog box with regex did not work upward

  * Replace All could incorrectly hide folded lines

  * -wd command line option for specifying directory to save the workspace

  * Supports secondary function pattern option

  * Suppresses combo box auto completion when pasting

  * Fixes display error when selecting by word

  * 'Open Selection' command supports multiple line selection

  * 'Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer' didn't work as expected in vista

  * Fixes a bug with the Korean input method editor


编辑:赵海涛 PCPOP.COM
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