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CET6考试阅读题惊现Google发家史  2007-06-24 16:55



  Google is a world-famous company, with its headquarters in Mountain View, California. It was set up in a Silicon Valley garage in 1998, and inflated(膨胀) with the Internet bubble. Even when everything around it collapsed the company kept on inflating. Google’s search engine is so widespread across the world that search became Google, and google became a verb. The world fell in love with effective, fascinatingly fast technology.

  Google owes much of its success to the brilliance of S.Brin and L.Page, but also to a series of fortunate events. It was Page who, at Stanford in 1996, initiated the academic project that eventually became Google’s search engine. Brin, who had met Page at a student orientation a year earlier, joined the project early on. They were both Ph.D, candidates when they devised the search engine which was better than the rest and, without any marketing, spread by word of mouth from early adopters to, eventually, your grandmother.

  Their breakthrough, simply put, was that when their search engine crawled the Web. It did more than just look for word matches; it also tallied(统计) and ranked a host of other critical factors like how websites link to one another. That delivered far better results than anything else. Brin and Page meant to name their creation Googol(the mathematical term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes), but someone misspelled the word so it stuck as Google. They raised money from prescient(有先见之明的) professors and venture capitalists, and moved off campus to turn Google into a business. Perhaps their biggest stroke of luck came early on when they tried to sell their technology to other search engines, but no one met their price, and they built it up on their own.

  The next breakthrough came in 2000, when Google figured out how to make money with its invention. It had lots of users, but almost no one was paying. The solution turned out to be advertising, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that Google is now essentially an advertising company, given that that’s the source of nearly all its revenue. Today it is a giant advertising company, worth $100 billion.


  1) Apart from a series of fortunate events, what is it that has made Google so successful?

  2) Google’s search engine originated from ___________ started by L.Page.

  3) How did Google’s search engine spread all over the world?

  4) Brin and Page decided to set up their own business because no one would ________.

  5) The revenue of the Google company is largely generated from ________.



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