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当当向贝索斯发声明称卓越网发布谎言  2007-05-31 17:16







  From: Marketing Department of

  Re: Dangdang requests Joyo stop spreading lies and promoting itself as “the largest online Chinese bookstore on earth”

  Joyo repeatedly makes statements that it is the “the largest online Chinese bookstore on earth” in its public communication. Dangdang must point out this saying is a lie.

  1.Customer recognition: AC Nelson’s release about online shopping in China in March, 2007 reveals that Dangdang had 49% unaided first mention as the online bookstore while Joyo had 12%. Dangdang leads Joyo by 4 times in online bookstore recognition.

  2.Sales: Analysys International’s release in Q3, 2006 pointed that Dangdang had 28.18% b2c sales in China and Joyo had 11.71%. giving Dangdang’s lead by close to 3 times. This information also corresponds to Dangdang’s own survey data with its publisher vendors, such as China Machinery Publishing House, Qinghua University Publishing House, CITIC Publishing House, People’s Literature Publishing House, Sanlian Publishing House; these data show that Joyo’s book sales were 30-40% of that by Dangdang in 2006.

  3.Number of products on sites: Dangdang offered more than 600,000 books, higher than many, including Joyo.

  Whether it were brand awareness, sales or number of products available, Dangdang has absolute lead against Joyo. Where does Joyo get its evidence for being the “largest”?

  Before its acquisition by Amazon in Aug., 2004, Joyo often stated that it was the “the largest online Chinese bookstore”. Dangdang informed Joyo several times that its claims were untrue but Joyo ignored all reminding. After it became the 7th site of, which is a NASDAQ listed company, Joyo continued its stubbornness and kept promoting itself as “the largest online Chinese bookstore on earth”. This practice is misleading to customers, vendors, media and general public. This practice also violates compliances of legal requirement for publicly listed company. Telling untruthful information is irresponsible to all shareholders.

  Lies won’t become truth even repeated 1000 times. We request you to throw out your wishful statement and adopt honest practice with customers, vendors, media and general public.

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