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Olympus推出500万像素数码相机E-20 P/N[图]  2001-09-13 09:36

  奥林巴斯[Olympus]在13日宣布推出Olympus E-10的换代产品——5百万像素的E-20P。E-20P拥有和E10一样的4x倍光学镜头[等效于35 - 140 mm]、同样的TTL取景器[不过E20现在提供了一个焦距可调的屏幕]、RAW模式、杂噪减少、像素映射以及提供了1GB Microdrive的支持。



  Sensor 2/3" CCD, 5.24 megapixel

Effective pixel count 4.95 million (2.5 million progressive scan mode)

Image sizes 2560 x 1920 (interlaced scan mode)

1792 x 1344 (progressive scan mode)

1280 x 960

1024 x 768

640 x 480

Image formats RAW



  Lens Olympus 4x optical zoom, 35 - 140 mm equiv.

14 elements in 11 groups, F2.0 - F2.4

Add-on lenses Optional 0.8x, 1.45x, 3x and macro lenses

Filter size 62 mm

Metering Digital ESP

Center-weighted average

Spot metering

Exposure modes Program Auto Exposure

Aperture priority: F2.0 - F11 in 1/3 EV steps

Shutter priority: 2 - 1/640 sec or 2 - 1/4000, 1/18000 sec (progressive scan mode)

Manual exposure: Bulb (max 2 minutes), 60 - 1/640 sec or 60 - 1/4000, 1/18000 sec (progressive scan mode)

Exposure compen. +/-3 EV in 0.3 EV steps

White balance Auto

Presets (3000, 3700, 4000, 4500, 5500, 6500, 7500 K)

Manual 'one touch'

ISO sensitivity Auto

ISO 80

ISO 160

iso 320

Noise reduction Yes

Pixel mapping Yes

Focus system Dual AF active and passive TTL AF

Focus distance Normal: 0.6 m - Infinity (2.0 ft - Infinity)

Macro: 0.2 - 0.6 m (7.9 in - 2.0 ft)

Viewfinder Optical TTL viewfinder with 95% field of view

Full information: mode / aperture / shutter speed metering / exp compen. / AF / flash / AE lock / WB

Focusing screen

LCD 1.8" TFT LCD 118,000 pixels

LCD can be tilted 20 degrees down and 90 degrees up

Histogram Yes

Flash guide 13 (ISO 80)

Flash modes Auto, Red-eye reduction, Off, Fill-In

Flash range Wide: 0.6 - 8.9 m [auto ISO] (2.0 - 29.2 ft)

Tele: 0.5 - 7.4 m [auto ISO] (1.6 - 24.3 ft)

External flash Hot-shoe (Olympus FL-40)

Continuous mode Interlace scan mode: 2.5 fps, max 4 frames

Progressive scan mode: 4.5 fps, max 7 frames

Self timer 2 or 12 secs

Storage SmartMedia (up to 128 MB) - 16 MB supplied

CompactFlash Type I / II (Microdrive 1GB supported)

Connectivity DC input, USB, Video out, external flash terminal, x-sync socket, remote control jack

Power supply 2 x CR-V3 lithium, 4 x AA batteries (NiMH recommended)

Dimensions 129 x 104 x 161 mm (5.1 x 4.1 x 6.3 in)

Weight (inc batt) 1190 g (2.6 lb)

Est. street price US$ 1900 (unconfirmed)


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